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How to use Prometheus with Datadog?

Integrating Prometheus with New Relic allows you to harness the power of both tools for monitoring and analyzing your application and infrastructure metrics. By following a few simple steps, you can seamlessly combine Prometheus' data collection capabilities with New Relic's comprehensive monitoring and observability features. This integration enables you to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for optimizing your systems' performance.


Integrating Prometheus with Datadog: Step-by-Step Guide


Install and Configure Prometheus:

  • Set up Prometheus on your server, configuring it to collect metrics.
  • Ensure Prometheus is running and capable of scraping and storing metrics.


Install and Configure Datadog Agent:

  • Install Datadog Agent on the same server as Prometheus.
  • Follow Datadog's instructions for installation and configuration.


Enable Prometheus Integration in Datadog:

  • Log in to Datadog, go to integrations, and enable Prometheus integration.
  • Provide necessary details like hostname, port, and additional configurations. Save the settings.


Verify Integration:

  • Check if Prometheus metrics are successfully sent to Datadog.
  • Use Metrics Explorer or PromQL in Datadog to query and visualize metrics.


Set Up Alerts and Monitoring:

  • Create custom dashboards and alerts in Datadog.
  • Leverage Datadog features like anomaly detection, alert thresholds, and notifications for effective infrastructure monitoring.


Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate Prometheus with Datadog, combining Prometheus's metric collection with Datadog's robust monitoring and alerting capabilities.



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