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Towards More Effective Incident Postmortems

Apr 27, 2020
Last Updated:
July 1, 2024
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Towards More Effective Incident Postmortems

An incident postmortem is not only an essential document for reference, but also necessary as a process by which teams can collaboratively learn from failure, and communicate independent learnings across the organization.

Table of Contents:

    An incident postmortem serves as a crucial document for teams to learn from failures and share insights across an organization. This process not only aids in understanding what went wrong but also in preventing similar issues in the future. By dissecting and analyzing incidents, teams can build more resilient systems and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

     What is an Incident Postmortem?

    An incident postmortem is a structured analysis conducted after an incident to determine its root causes. This process helps teams identify issues and implement strategies to avoid future incidents. A well-documented postmortem provides a detailed account of what happened, why it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.

    When an incident occurs, the immediate priority is to fix the issue and restore normal operations. Tools like infrastructure automation, runbooks, feature flags, version control, continuous delivery, chatops, and status pages are commonly used to address incidents quickly. However, these tools alone do not help teams understand the underlying causes of the incident. This is where the incident postmortem process becomes invaluable.

    Importance of Incident Postmortems

    Incident postmortems are essential for several reasons:

    1. Documentation

    They provide detailed records of incidents, including actions taken, serving as valuable references for future issues. A comprehensive postmortem captures all relevant information, ensuring that critical details are not forgotten. This documentation is crucial for troubleshooting similar incidents in the future and for training new team members.

    1. Transparency

    Sharing postmortem reports with stakeholders builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to preventing future disruptions. Transparent communication about incidents reassures customers and stakeholders that the team is proactive in addressing issues and improving system reliability. Publicly sharing postmortems can also enhance the organization's reputation for accountability and openness.

    1. Learning Culture

    Incident postmortems foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, emphasizing the educational value of understanding failures. By analyzing what went wrong and why, teams can identify gaps in their processes and make necessary adjustments. This culture of learning encourages innovation and helps teams stay ahead of potential issues.

    1. Infrastructure Insights

    Postmortems offer insights into system vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. By thoroughly examining incidents, teams can uncover hidden weaknesses in their infrastructure and address them before they cause significant problems. This proactive approach to system improvement leads to more robust and resilient systems.

    Components of an Incident Postmortem

    Incident postmortems, also known as Root Cause Analyses (RCAs) or incident reviews, typically include the following elements:


    An overview of the incident, including what happened, its severity, and its impact. This section provides a high-level summary that is accessible to all stakeholders, including those who may not have technical expertise. It covers the key facts of the incident, such as when it occurred, how long it lasted, and the extent of its impact on the business and customers.


    A detailed analysis of the incident's root causes and triggers, often using methods like the 5 Whys Process. This section delves into the technical and operational factors that led to the incident. It explains how the failure originated and identifies the underlying issues that caused the system to break. Understanding these root causes is critical for implementing effective preventive measures.


    Assessment of the incident's impact on business operations, services, and users. This section evaluates the consequences of the incident, including its effect on customer experience, business operations, and financial performance. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the incident's severity and the extent of the disruption it caused.


    A timeline of the incident response, including steps taken to resolve the issue and any failed attempts. This section documents the entire incident response process, from the initial detection of the issue to its resolution. It includes details about the team members involved, the actions they took, and the challenges they faced. This information is valuable for improving response strategies and avoiding similar pitfalls in the future.


    Key takeaways, recommendations, and next steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. This section summarizes the lessons learned from the incident and outlines actionable recommendations for preventing similar issues. It provides a roadmap for continuous improvement, ensuring that the team can build on its experience and enhance system reliability.

    Blameless Postmortems

    A successful incident postmortem must be blameless. Instead of assigning blame to individuals, the focus should be on understanding why the system failed and how to improve it. This approach encourages honesty and openness, which are essential for learning and improvement.

    Creating a Blameless Culture

    Blameless postmortems are a key aspect of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) culture. In a blameless culture, the emphasis is on fixing systems and processes rather than pointing fingers at individuals. This approach recognizes that human errors are inevitable, and the goal is to create systems that are resilient to such errors.

     Encouraging Open Communication

    By removing blame from the equation, teams can discuss incidents more openly and candidly. Team members are more likely to share valuable insights and admit mistakes when they know they will not be punished. This open communication is crucial for identifying the true root causes of incidents and finding effective solutions.

     Focus on Systemic Improvements

    Blameless postmortems shift the focus from individual mistakes to systemic issues. Instead of asking who caused the problem, the question becomes why the problem occurred and how it can be prevented in the future. This approach leads to more meaningful improvements in system design and processes.

     Conducting Effective Incident Postmortems

    To ensure effective postmortems, follow these best practices:

     1. Start with a Timeline

    Create a detailed timeline of the incident, including chat logs, incident details, and significant activities. Automated tools can streamline this process by capturing relevant data in real time. The timeline provides a chronological account of the incident, helping teams understand the sequence of events and identify key moments that contributed to the failure.

     2. Collaborative Meetings

    Involve everyone affected by the incident in a structured postmortem meeting to gather diverse insights and foster team cohesion. A collaborative approach ensures that all perspectives are considered and that the team can learn from each other's experiences. These meetings should be conducted in a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.

     3. Define Roles and Moderation

    Assign clear roles and appoint a moderator to keep the meeting on track and ensure a constructive discussion. The moderator's role is to facilitate the meeting, guide the conversation, and prevent any blame-shifting. The owner of the postmortem process should be someone with a deep understanding of the incident and the technical details involved.

     4. Set Severity Thresholds

    Determine the urgency of incidents by assigning severity levels. High-severity incidents should always have a postmortem, while lower-severity incidents may be handled differently. Establishing clear severity thresholds helps prioritize postmortem efforts and ensures that the most critical incidents receive the attention they deserve.

     5. Capture Detailed Metrics

    Document all relevant details, including incident metrics like Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR), Service Level Objectives (SLOs), and downtime duration. This data helps identify patterns and trends, providing a quantitative basis for evaluating the incident's impact. Metrics also help track the effectiveness of response strategies and identify areas for improvement.

     6. Prompt Publication

    Publish the postmortem report promptly to keep the information fresh and accurate. Distribute it internally to all relevant stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is informed about the incident and the steps taken to address it. Timely publication is crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability.

    Tools and Templates for Incident Postmortems

    Utilizing tools and templates can greatly enhance the postmortem process. Automated incident management tools can help teams capture incident details, generate timelines, and create postmortem reports quickly and consistently. Here are a few tools and templates that can be beneficial:

    Incident Postmortem Template

    An incident postmortem template provides a structured format for documenting incidents. It ensures that all critical aspects of the incident are covered and that the postmortem process is consistent across different incidents. A well-designed incident postmortem template can save time and ensure that important details are not overlooked.

    Automated Tools

    Automated tools can streamline the postmortem process by capturing incident data in real time, generating timelines, and producing postmortem reports. These tools can integrate with existing incident management systems, making it easy to track incidents, analyze data, and share reports. Automation also reduces the administrative burden on teams, allowing them to focus on analyzing and learning from the incident.

    Reusable Checklists

    Just like incident postmortem templates, reusable checklists can help teams ensure that all necessary steps are taken during the postmortem process. Checklists provide a consistent framework for conducting postmortems, making it easier to follow best practices and capture all relevant information. They can also serve as a reference for new team members and help standardize the postmortem process across different teams.

    Best Practices for Conducting Postmortems

    To conduct effective incident postmortems, consider the following best practices:

     1. Foster a Blameless Culture

    Creating a blameless culture is essential for effective postmortems. Encourage open communication and emphasize the importance of systemic improvements over individual accountability. This approach builds trust within the team and ensures that everyone is focused on finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

     2. Involve All Relevant Stakeholders

    Include all relevant stakeholders in the postmortem process, including those directly involved in the incident and those affected by it. This ensures that all perspectives are considered and that the postmortem findings are comprehensive. Stakeholders can provide valuable insights and help identify gaps in processes and systems.

     3. Document and Share Lessons Learned

    Document the lessons learned from each postmortem and share them with the entire organization. With every root-cause analysis, update your incident postmortem templates as well. This helps build a knowledge base that can be used to prevent future incidents and improve overall system reliability. Sharing lessons learned also promotes a culture of continuous improvement and encourages teams to learn from each other's experiences.

     4. Review and Update Processes Regularly

    Regularly review and update incident management processes and postmortem practices based on feedback and lessons learned. This ensures that the processes remain effective and relevant as the organization evolves. Continuous improvement is key to maintaining a high level of system reliability and resilience.

     5. Use Data to Drive Improvements

    Leverage data collected during the incident and postmortem process to drive improvements in system design and operations. Analyzing metrics and trends can help identify areas for optimization and inform decision-making. Data-driven insights enable teams to make informed choices and implement effective preventive measures.

     Challenges in Conducting Incident Postmortems

    Despite their importance, conducting effective incident postmortems can be challenging. Here are a few common challenges and how to address them:

    Time Constraints

    Incident postmortems can be time-consuming, and teams may struggle to find the time to conduct them thoroughly. To address this challenge, prioritize postmortems for high-severity incidents and automate as much of the process as possible. Efficient tools and templates can help streamline the process and reduce the time required for documentation.

     Lack of Engagement

    Getting all relevant stakeholders to participate in the postmortem process can be difficult. To encourage engagement, emphasize the importance of learning from incidents and the value of diverse perspectives. Create a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their insights and experiences.

     Incomplete Documentation

    Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can hinder the postmortem process. To ensure thorough documentation, use standardized templates and checklists, and encourage team members to capture details as the incident unfolds. Automated tools can also help by recording incident data in real time.

     Resistance to Blameless Culture

    Implementing a blameless culture can be challenging, especially in organizations with a history of assigning blame. To overcome this resistance, educate teams about the benefits of a blameless approach and lead by example. Highlight successful case studies and demonstrate how a blameless culture leads to better outcomes and continuous improvement.


    Incident postmortems are a vital tool for understanding failures, improving systems, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. By conducting thorough and blameless postmortems, teams can identify root causes, implement preventive measures, and build more resilient systems. Utilizing tools and templates, involving all relevant stakeholders, and documenting lessons learned are key practices for effective postmortems. Despite the challenges, the benefits of a well-executed postmortem process are significant, leading to improved system reliability, enhanced team collaboration, and a stronger organizational culture.

     Related Reading

    For further insights on conducting effective postmortems, consider these resources:

    - [Chapter 15 of the SRE book](https://sre.google/sre-book/table-of-contents/)

    - [Google's Site Reliability Engineering book template](https://sre.google/sre-book/table-of-contents/)

    - [Various templates available on GitHub](https://github.com/search?q=incident+postmortem+template)

    - The "Wheel of Misfortune" exercise, which can help teams practice incident response in a controlled environment.

    By adhering to these practices and continually refining the postmortem process, teams can enhance their ability to learn from incidents, improve system reliability, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    What you should do now
    • Schedule a demo with Squadcast to learn about the platform, answer your questions, and evaluate if Squadcast is the right fit for you.
    • Curious about how Squadcast can assist you in implementing SRE best practices? Discover the platform's capabilities through our Interactive Demo.
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    • Schedule a demo with Squadcast to learn about the platform, answer your questions, and evaluate if Squadcast is the right fit for you.
    • Curious about how Squadcast can assist you in implementing SRE best practices? Discover the platform's capabilities through our Interactive Demo.
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    Written By:
    April 27, 2020
    April 27, 2020
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    Towards More Effective Incident Postmortems

    Towards More Effective Incident Postmortems
    Apr 27, 2020
    Last Updated:
    Apr 27, 2020

    An incident postmortem is not only an essential document for reference, but also necessary as a process by which teams can collaboratively learn from failure, and communicate independent learnings across the organization.

    An incident postmortem serves as a crucial document for teams to learn from failures and share insights across an organization. This process not only aids in understanding what went wrong but also in preventing similar issues in the future. By dissecting and analyzing incidents, teams can build more resilient systems and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

     What is an Incident Postmortem?

    An incident postmortem is a structured analysis conducted after an incident to determine its root causes. This process helps teams identify issues and implement strategies to avoid future incidents. A well-documented postmortem provides a detailed account of what happened, why it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.

    When an incident occurs, the immediate priority is to fix the issue and restore normal operations. Tools like infrastructure automation, runbooks, feature flags, version control, continuous delivery, chatops, and status pages are commonly used to address incidents quickly. However, these tools alone do not help teams understand the underlying causes of the incident. This is where the incident postmortem process becomes invaluable.

    Importance of Incident Postmortems

    Incident postmortems are essential for several reasons:

    1. Documentation

    They provide detailed records of incidents, including actions taken, serving as valuable references for future issues. A comprehensive postmortem captures all relevant information, ensuring that critical details are not forgotten. This documentation is crucial for troubleshooting similar incidents in the future and for training new team members.

    1. Transparency

    Sharing postmortem reports with stakeholders builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to preventing future disruptions. Transparent communication about incidents reassures customers and stakeholders that the team is proactive in addressing issues and improving system reliability. Publicly sharing postmortems can also enhance the organization's reputation for accountability and openness.

    1. Learning Culture

    Incident postmortems foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, emphasizing the educational value of understanding failures. By analyzing what went wrong and why, teams can identify gaps in their processes and make necessary adjustments. This culture of learning encourages innovation and helps teams stay ahead of potential issues.

    1. Infrastructure Insights

    Postmortems offer insights into system vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. By thoroughly examining incidents, teams can uncover hidden weaknesses in their infrastructure and address them before they cause significant problems. This proactive approach to system improvement leads to more robust and resilient systems.

    Components of an Incident Postmortem

    Incident postmortems, also known as Root Cause Analyses (RCAs) or incident reviews, typically include the following elements:


    An overview of the incident, including what happened, its severity, and its impact. This section provides a high-level summary that is accessible to all stakeholders, including those who may not have technical expertise. It covers the key facts of the incident, such as when it occurred, how long it lasted, and the extent of its impact on the business and customers.


    A detailed analysis of the incident's root causes and triggers, often using methods like the 5 Whys Process. This section delves into the technical and operational factors that led to the incident. It explains how the failure originated and identifies the underlying issues that caused the system to break. Understanding these root causes is critical for implementing effective preventive measures.


    Assessment of the incident's impact on business operations, services, and users. This section evaluates the consequences of the incident, including its effect on customer experience, business operations, and financial performance. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the incident's severity and the extent of the disruption it caused.


    A timeline of the incident response, including steps taken to resolve the issue and any failed attempts. This section documents the entire incident response process, from the initial detection of the issue to its resolution. It includes details about the team members involved, the actions they took, and the challenges they faced. This information is valuable for improving response strategies and avoiding similar pitfalls in the future.


    Key takeaways, recommendations, and next steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. This section summarizes the lessons learned from the incident and outlines actionable recommendations for preventing similar issues. It provides a roadmap for continuous improvement, ensuring that the team can build on its experience and enhance system reliability.

    Blameless Postmortems

    A successful incident postmortem must be blameless. Instead of assigning blame to individuals, the focus should be on understanding why the system failed and how to improve it. This approach encourages honesty and openness, which are essential for learning and improvement.

    Creating a Blameless Culture

    Blameless postmortems are a key aspect of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) culture. In a blameless culture, the emphasis is on fixing systems and processes rather than pointing fingers at individuals. This approach recognizes that human errors are inevitable, and the goal is to create systems that are resilient to such errors.

     Encouraging Open Communication

    By removing blame from the equation, teams can discuss incidents more openly and candidly. Team members are more likely to share valuable insights and admit mistakes when they know they will not be punished. This open communication is crucial for identifying the true root causes of incidents and finding effective solutions.

     Focus on Systemic Improvements

    Blameless postmortems shift the focus from individual mistakes to systemic issues. Instead of asking who caused the problem, the question becomes why the problem occurred and how it can be prevented in the future. This approach leads to more meaningful improvements in system design and processes.

     Conducting Effective Incident Postmortems

    To ensure effective postmortems, follow these best practices:

     1. Start with a Timeline

    Create a detailed timeline of the incident, including chat logs, incident details, and significant activities. Automated tools can streamline this process by capturing relevant data in real time. The timeline provides a chronological account of the incident, helping teams understand the sequence of events and identify key moments that contributed to the failure.

     2. Collaborative Meetings

    Involve everyone affected by the incident in a structured postmortem meeting to gather diverse insights and foster team cohesion. A collaborative approach ensures that all perspectives are considered and that the team can learn from each other's experiences. These meetings should be conducted in a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.

     3. Define Roles and Moderation

    Assign clear roles and appoint a moderator to keep the meeting on track and ensure a constructive discussion. The moderator's role is to facilitate the meeting, guide the conversation, and prevent any blame-shifting. The owner of the postmortem process should be someone with a deep understanding of the incident and the technical details involved.

     4. Set Severity Thresholds

    Determine the urgency of incidents by assigning severity levels. High-severity incidents should always have a postmortem, while lower-severity incidents may be handled differently. Establishing clear severity thresholds helps prioritize postmortem efforts and ensures that the most critical incidents receive the attention they deserve.

     5. Capture Detailed Metrics

    Document all relevant details, including incident metrics like Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR), Service Level Objectives (SLOs), and downtime duration. This data helps identify patterns and trends, providing a quantitative basis for evaluating the incident's impact. Metrics also help track the effectiveness of response strategies and identify areas for improvement.

     6. Prompt Publication

    Publish the postmortem report promptly to keep the information fresh and accurate. Distribute it internally to all relevant stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is informed about the incident and the steps taken to address it. Timely publication is crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability.

    Tools and Templates for Incident Postmortems

    Utilizing tools and templates can greatly enhance the postmortem process. Automated incident management tools can help teams capture incident details, generate timelines, and create postmortem reports quickly and consistently. Here are a few tools and templates that can be beneficial:

    Incident Postmortem Template

    An incident postmortem template provides a structured format for documenting incidents. It ensures that all critical aspects of the incident are covered and that the postmortem process is consistent across different incidents. A well-designed incident postmortem template can save time and ensure that important details are not overlooked.

    Automated Tools

    Automated tools can streamline the postmortem process by capturing incident data in real time, generating timelines, and producing postmortem reports. These tools can integrate with existing incident management systems, making it easy to track incidents, analyze data, and share reports. Automation also reduces the administrative burden on teams, allowing them to focus on analyzing and learning from the incident.

    Reusable Checklists

    Just like incident postmortem templates, reusable checklists can help teams ensure that all necessary steps are taken during the postmortem process. Checklists provide a consistent framework for conducting postmortems, making it easier to follow best practices and capture all relevant information. They can also serve as a reference for new team members and help standardize the postmortem process across different teams.

    Best Practices for Conducting Postmortems

    To conduct effective incident postmortems, consider the following best practices:

     1. Foster a Blameless Culture

    Creating a blameless culture is essential for effective postmortems. Encourage open communication and emphasize the importance of systemic improvements over individual accountability. This approach builds trust within the team and ensures that everyone is focused on finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

     2. Involve All Relevant Stakeholders

    Include all relevant stakeholders in the postmortem process, including those directly involved in the incident and those affected by it. This ensures that all perspectives are considered and that the postmortem findings are comprehensive. Stakeholders can provide valuable insights and help identify gaps in processes and systems.

     3. Document and Share Lessons Learned

    Document the lessons learned from each postmortem and share them with the entire organization. With every root-cause analysis, update your incident postmortem templates as well. This helps build a knowledge base that can be used to prevent future incidents and improve overall system reliability. Sharing lessons learned also promotes a culture of continuous improvement and encourages teams to learn from each other's experiences.

     4. Review and Update Processes Regularly

    Regularly review and update incident management processes and postmortem practices based on feedback and lessons learned. This ensures that the processes remain effective and relevant as the organization evolves. Continuous improvement is key to maintaining a high level of system reliability and resilience.

     5. Use Data to Drive Improvements

    Leverage data collected during the incident and postmortem process to drive improvements in system design and operations. Analyzing metrics and trends can help identify areas for optimization and inform decision-making. Data-driven insights enable teams to make informed choices and implement effective preventive measures.

     Challenges in Conducting Incident Postmortems

    Despite their importance, conducting effective incident postmortems can be challenging. Here are a few common challenges and how to address them:

    Time Constraints

    Incident postmortems can be time-consuming, and teams may struggle to find the time to conduct them thoroughly. To address this challenge, prioritize postmortems for high-severity incidents and automate as much of the process as possible. Efficient tools and templates can help streamline the process and reduce the time required for documentation.

     Lack of Engagement

    Getting all relevant stakeholders to participate in the postmortem process can be difficult. To encourage engagement, emphasize the importance of learning from incidents and the value of diverse perspectives. Create a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their insights and experiences.

     Incomplete Documentation

    Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can hinder the postmortem process. To ensure thorough documentation, use standardized templates and checklists, and encourage team members to capture details as the incident unfolds. Automated tools can also help by recording incident data in real time.

     Resistance to Blameless Culture

    Implementing a blameless culture can be challenging, especially in organizations with a history of assigning blame. To overcome this resistance, educate teams about the benefits of a blameless approach and lead by example. Highlight successful case studies and demonstrate how a blameless culture leads to better outcomes and continuous improvement.


    Incident postmortems are a vital tool for understanding failures, improving systems, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. By conducting thorough and blameless postmortems, teams can identify root causes, implement preventive measures, and build more resilient systems. Utilizing tools and templates, involving all relevant stakeholders, and documenting lessons learned are key practices for effective postmortems. Despite the challenges, the benefits of a well-executed postmortem process are significant, leading to improved system reliability, enhanced team collaboration, and a stronger organizational culture.

     Related Reading

    For further insights on conducting effective postmortems, consider these resources:

    - [Chapter 15 of the SRE book](https://sre.google/sre-book/table-of-contents/)

    - [Google's Site Reliability Engineering book template](https://sre.google/sre-book/table-of-contents/)

    - [Various templates available on GitHub](https://github.com/search?q=incident+postmortem+template)

    - The "Wheel of Misfortune" exercise, which can help teams practice incident response in a controlled environment.

    By adhering to these practices and continually refining the postmortem process, teams can enhance their ability to learn from incidents, improve system reliability, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    What you should do now
    • Schedule a demo with Squadcast to learn about the platform, answer your questions, and evaluate if Squadcast is the right fit for you.
    • Curious about how Squadcast can assist you in implementing SRE best practices? Discover the platform's capabilities through our Interactive Demo.
    • Enjoyed the article? Explore further insights on the best SRE practices.
    • Schedule a demo with Squadcast to learn about the platform, answer your questions, and evaluate if Squadcast is the right fit for you.
    • Curious about how Squadcast can assist you in implementing SRE best practices? Discover the platform's capabilities through our Interactive Demo.
    • Enjoyed the article? Explore further insights on the best SRE practices.
    • Get a walkthrough of our platform through this Interactive Demo and see how it can solve your specific challenges.
    • See how Charter Leveraged Squadcast to Drive Client Success With Robust Incident Management.
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    Written By:
    April 27, 2020
    April 27, 2020
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      Learn how organizations are using Squadcast to maintain and improve upon their Reliability metrics
      "Mapgears simplified their complex On-call Alerting process with Squadcast.
      Squadcast has helped us aggregate alerts coming in from hundreds...
      "Bibam found their best PagerDuty alternative in Squadcast.
      By moving to Squadcast from Pagerduty, we have seen a serious reduction in alert fatigue, allowing us to focus...
      "Squadcast helped Tanner gain system insights and boost team productivity.
      Squadcast has integrated seamlessly into our DevOps and on-call team's workflows. Thanks to their reliability...
      Alexandre Lessard
      System Analyst
      Martin do Santos
      Platform and Architecture Tech Lead
      Sandro Franchi
      Squadcast is a leader in Incident Management on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Mid-Market IT Service Management (ITSM) Tools on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Americas IT Alerting on G2 Best IT Management Products 2022 Squadcast is a leader in Europe IT Alerting on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Mid-Market Asia Pacific Incident Management on G2 Users love Squadcast on G2
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      What our
      have to say
      "Mapgears simplified their complex On-call Alerting process with Squadcast.
      Squadcast has helped us aggregate alerts coming in from hundreds of services into one single platform. We no longer have hundreds of...
      Alexandre Lessard
      System Analyst
      "Bibam found their best PagerDuty alternative in Squadcast.
      By moving to Squadcast from Pagerduty, we have seen a serious reduction in alert fatigue, allowing us to focus...
      Martin do Santos
      Platform and Architecture Tech Lead
      "Squadcast helped Tanner gain system insights and boost team productivity.
      Squadcast has integrated seamlessly into our DevOps and on-call team's workflows. Thanks to their reliability metrics we have...
      Sandro Franchi
      Revamp your Incident Response.
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      Squadcast is a leader in Incident Management on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Mid-Market IT Service Management (ITSM) Tools on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Americas IT Alerting on G2 Best IT Management Products 2024 Squadcast is a leader in Europe IT Alerting on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Enterprise Incident Management on G2 Users love Squadcast on G2
      Squadcast is a leader in Incident Management on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Mid-Market IT Service Management (ITSM) Tools on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Americas IT Alerting on G2
      Best IT Management Products 2024 Squadcast is a leader in Europe IT Alerting on G2 Squadcast is a leader in Enterprise Incident Management on G2
      Users love Squadcast on G2
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