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How to use Ansible with Kubernetes?

Ansible and Prometheus can be used together to automate the installation and configuration of Prometheus on multiple servers. By following a few simple steps, you can easily set up and manage Prometheus using Ansible.


Using Ansible with Kubernetes: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install Ansible: Verify Ansible installation on your machine. Consult the Ansible documentation for installation guidance.
  2. Install Python Kubernetes module: Execute the command:

$ pip install openshift


3. Create Ansible playbook: Craft a YAML file to outline your Kubernetes cluster's desired state. Include tasks for deployment, configuration, and resource management.

4. Define Kubernetes resources: Leverage Ansible’s Kubernetes modules to specify resources (pods, services, deployments, etc.). Interact with the Kubernetes API for creation and modification.

5. Write tasks: Develop tasks in your playbook using Kubernetes modules to enact actions on the cluster (deploy pods, scale deployments, update configurations, etc.).

6. Run the playbook: Execute the playbook via the ansible-playbook command, e.g.:

$ ansible-playbook my-playbook.yml


Throughout execution, Ansible communicates with the Kubernetes API, effecting operations per playbook-defined desired state. Automate Kubernetes cluster management for streamlined application deployment and administration.

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